News News News...
11 June 2005
Version 1.02 released. This is a minor bug-fix release to allow the Zebedee
port Kaboodle uses for GetEngaged connections to be user-settable.
9 May 2005
Version 1.01 released. This is a minor bug-fix release to address a problem Kaboodle had making GetEngaged connections via a relay-server.
28 Apr 2005
19 Apr 2005
Only 3.5 years after the initial Sourceforge release, Kaboodle Version 1.0 is available for download! A whole new GUI,
feels like a whole new app.
19 Mar 2005
Using the same "firewall friendly" echoWare technology that Kaboodle uses, the
first release of EchoVNC is now available.
02 Mar 2005
09 Dec 2004
Cleaning up some remaining WinXP and KaboodleProxy difficulties, Kaboodle 0.99e is available for download. Fixed a VNC-detection limitation as well.
05 Nov 2004
Hopefully the last of the pre-releases, Kaboodle 0.99d is available for download. This version is fully tested with KaboodleProxy 1.2, and some incompatablities with
WinXP have also been addressed. And an installer; woo!
1 Nov 2004
KaboodleProxy 1.2 for Linux server released to Beta testers. Thanks for
the help!
22 Feb 2004
20 Feb 2004
Last of the pre-releases, Kaboodle 0.99c is available for download. This version is now fully compatible with KaboodleProxy and version 4.0 of VNC.
23 Dec 2003
28 Nov 2003
Release of Kaboodle 0.99b. It includes some fairly substancial feature enhancements the the remote-control UI, and the VPN interface. Also nailed down some various bugs found in 0.99a.
17 May 2003
Release of Kaboodle 0.99a, a bug-fix update to 0.99. Eliminated bugs include a hiccup working with TightVNC and a bug which caused some Groups to disappear sometimes.
7 Jan 2003
Kaboodle® is now a registered trademark at the USPTO!.
25 December 2002
Kaboodle 0.99, the full-featured version, released! Just waiting on the Kaboodle web-portal to be completed to release 1.0. And, okay, some updated documentation. And maybe an installer too. And...maybe Christmas isn't the best day to do this.
28 November 2002
Kaboodle's "Statement of Use" accepted by the USPTO. Trademark coming soon...
12 September 2002
Kaboodle 0.95, the last pre-release version, released! Better GUI colors and icons, better VNC logging, a "Web Config" capability for appliances, other misc stability fixes.
17 August 2002
Kaboodle 0.90 released! Secure file-transfer,
user-selectable icons, automatic OS discovery of new devices.
14 April 2002
Kaboodle 0.80 released! Improved UI, improved LAN discovery, and better VNC control.
26 January 2002
FAQ updated to version 0.06.
25 January 2002
FAQ updated to version 0.05.
21 January 2002
Kaboodle 0.75 released! No installer yet. Same-LAN VNC tunnelling and control wrapper functional.
18 January 2002
Design spec for version 0.80 finalized.
12 January 2002
Kaboodle's "Allegation of Use" filed with the USPTO. Expect a trademark to issue soon. Woo.
29 November 2001
Kaboodle pages go live. Mucho gracias to Audacity for the webpage theme. I hope it's taken
in the spirit of "immitation is the highest form of flattery". Thanks!
26 October 2001
23 October 2001
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